Italian Coffee Capital: Trieste

Trieste, a vibrant port city in northeastern Italy, is renowned for its rich coffee culture which is deeply embedded in its daily life and social fabric. Coffeehouses in Trieste are not just places to grab a quick caffeine fix but are integral to the city's social scene, serving as meeting points for friends, intellectuals, and artists. The city's historical cafes, such as Caffè San Marco and Caffè degli Specchi, offer a glimpse into the past where influential writers and thinkers like James Joyce and Italo Svevo once gathered. The Trieste coffee culture is distinct, characterized by its unique coffee terminology and variety of preparations, including the "capo in B," a macchiato served in a glass, and the "nero," a simple espresso.

Trieste's Crossroads of Coffee Culture

For centuries, Trieste has served as a crossroads of trade and cultural exchange, thanks to its prime position on the Adriatic Sea. As a vital maritime hub, the city welcomed merchants, sailors, and travellers from far-flung corners of the world, each bringing their unique customs and tastes, including a penchant for coffee.

It was during the 18th and 19th centuries that Trieste's coffee culture truly blossomed. The city's strategic location made it an ideal stopover for ships laden with coffee beans from the East Indies, Arabia, and the Americas. As the coffee trade flourished, so did the local appetite for caffeinated beverages, making it now a city with the highest coffee consumption in Italy with 1500 cups of coffee drunk per person each year.

The Art of Coffee Roasting

But Trieste's coffee prowess goes beyond its historic cafés. The city has also developed a reputation for producing some of Italy's finest coffee roasts. Local roasters employ meticulous techniques, carefully sourcing and blending beans from across the globe to create unique flavour profiles that cater to the discerning palates of Triestini – the city's residents.


Illy Caffe’s history in Trieste is a tale of innovation and passion that began in 1933 when Francesco Illy founded the company. Trieste, a major coffee port, was the perfect backdrop for Francesco's mission to create the perfect cup of coffee. His invention of the Illetta espresso machine in 1935 revolutionized coffee preparation and his innovative pressurization system for preserving coffee's freshness set new standards in the industry.

Today, Illycaffè is a global brand present in over 140 countries, still family-run and committed to sustainability and quality. The company's deep roots in Trieste are evident in its flagship store, symbolizing the city's rich coffee heritage.

The company's headquarters in Trieste houses a state-of-the-art research and development centre, the Università del Caffè, where coffee enthusiasts and professionals can learn about everything from bean selection to brewing techniques. Illy's influence extends beyond Italy, contributing significantly to the global appreciation of espresso and maintaining Trieste's reputation as a coffee capital.

Stay at Grand Hotel Duci D’Aosta

Grand Hotel Duchi d’Aosta is a historic luxury hotel located in Trieste, Italy. Situated in Piazza Unità d'Italia, one of Europe's largest sea-facing squares, the hotel offers breathtaking views of the Adriatic Sea. Renowned for its elegant architecture and refined interiors, the hotel blends classic charm with modern amenities. Guests can enjoy gourmet dining, a luxurious spa, and easy access to Trieste's cultural landmarks, making it a perfect choice for your time in Trieste.

Stay at Savoia Excelsior Palace

Savoia Excelsior Palace is a luxurious hotel that epitomizes elegance and sophistication. Located along the seafront, it offers stunning views of the Adriatic and easy access to Trieste's bustling centre. The hotel's grand interiors, excellent service, and fine dining options provide a perfect blend of comfort and opulence. Whether enjoying a drink at the bar or exploring the city's coffeehouses, guests are sure to have a memorable stay.